Overall Strategy:

The number one question appears to be:

Does this project increase the potential for a flooding event in Garden Oaks?  Explanation is needed because it is not intuitive that bringing more water here is safer!


Is in-line detention being placed under the streets where the preponderance of ponding/flooding is occurring?  It would go a long way to building support if the GO owners understood that the water being stored under GO streets originated in GO.  If the water is coming from somewhere else, it would be easier to support if the area with most of the ponding was getting in-line detention under their streets too.


What role did the 25' drainage easement which runs east to west from near Ella to N. Shepherd play in the alternatives that PW evaluated?


Which retention options were evaluated?  Shepherd Park, American Legion Park and the aforementioned drainage easement all appear to have considerable potential as retention sites.  


What are the plans to integrate design of the new Garden Oaks School with changes on Sue Barnett?  Considerable changes to traffic patterns are hoped for.


The Sue Barnett in-line detention appears to be storing water coming from the east side of N. Shepherd Dr.  Is this correct?


Sue Barnett in-line detention appears to feed by way of Wakefield into the Alba in-line detention?  Did the analysis consider the possibility of sending water where it is trying to go now.... Shepherd?


Is the in-line detention focused on Golf and Alba or is the detention designed to evenly distribute the stored water along the full length of the project?


Construction Details:

During the period of time when the streets are dug up, how will residents access their property?  This is particularly an issue with properties that front on Alba as these lack side or rear access.


We need some clarification on minimum possible street widths.  We understand that with asphalt the minimum would be 20' plus 18" buttress on either side to total 23' hard surface.  How would this differ with a concrete street installation?  Could it be 20'?


In the scenario of no sidewalks being installed, would there be a swale between the edge of the roadway and the edge of the ROW?  We are seeking to confirm that driveways onto Alba, Golf, and Sue B would dip down away from the street before rising up to the property lines and that culverts would not be used.  If the ROW slopes down to the roadway, how will drainage between driveways be handled?


Please clarify if the COH will be assuming costs for rebuilding driveway approaches.  Will all approaches meet the ownerÕs current driveway, if not who will be financially responsible for rebuilding the driveway so that it is useable?


Would it be possible to provide a diagram of where inlets would be sited and what they would look like for the no curb/no sidewalk scenario?


Alba will be dropped over a foot for much of it's extent south of 43rd.  How frequently will it be impassable and for how long?


To what degree will utility services be interrupted to residents along the affected streets? A few homes are tied in to water supplies across these streets.  In a few cases the tie-in will need to be moved to a crossing street and the service box relocated a considerable distance.